From XML to GRP : How to by programming

We saw in the previous chapter how to apply transformation from command line. In this chapter, we will explain how to apply transformation by programming.

1. What is needed

You still need the following things :

2. Example 1

2.1. First step

In this first step, we will code the example to set up the main architecture. During the second step, we will really build the list of paramaters needed by the Transformer.

2.1.1. Code

Save the following code under editor/test/ :


    public class XMLToGRPTest {
       * This method prepares the parameters needed by the process of transformation. If any
       * error happens, we display an error message and leave the application.
       * @return The list of parameters as an XMLToGRPParameters object.
      public static XMLToGRPParameters getParameters() {
        XMLToGRPParameters parameters = null;

        try {
          // The array containing the parameters
          String[] args = new String[0];


          parameters = new XMLToGRPParameters(args);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          // We report any error that might happen with the parameters and leave the application
          System.err.println("-- Something wrong with the parameters --");

        return parameters;

       * Main method.
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
          // Prepares the list of parameters
          XMLToGRPParameters parameters = getParameters();

          // Creates the Transformer and calls the process() method that operates the process
          // of transformation
          new TransformerXMLToGRP(parameters).process();
        } catch (Exception e) {
          // We report any error that might happen during the process of transformation
          System.err.println("-- Something wrong happened during the transformation --");

Open a console, go to directory editor/test and compile with the following command :

    javac -classpath ../lib/taxi.jar

For compiling, you must specify the jar containing the classes transformer.TransformerXMLToGRP and import imported at the very top of your code. These 2 classes are contained in the jar taxi.jar (in directory lib) shipped with TAXI.

Note : classes and sources are usually not saved in the same directory. This is not the case with the previous command line used for compiling. I chose to do that to focus only on the process of transformation and use the minimum number of necessary options on the command line.

2.1.2. Explaining the code

You must import 2 classes :

The method main(String[] args) does 2 things :

  1. prepares the XMLToGRPParameters object by calling the method getParameters(),
  2. instanciates the TransformerXMLToGRP (the constructor takes a XMLToGRPParameters object as parameter) and applies the tranformation by calling the method process() on that object.

A try catch block encloses this code as Exception may be thrown during the transformation.

We wrote a method called getParameters() to prepare the XMLToGRPParameters object that holds the different parameters and their respective value. In this method, we instanciate a XMLToGRPParameters object (the constructor takes an array of String objects that represents the transformation process' parameters and their value). We didn't specify yet the list of parameters in that array of String. We are going to do that in the Second step.

The creation of the XMLToGRPParameters is enclosed in a try catch block as it may throw Exception if something is wrong with the arrays of String representing the transformation process' parameters and their value. In such a case, we display an error message and stop the application.

2.1.3. Running the code

Run the example with this command (depending on the OS you run it, you will not use the same classpath separator) :

    java -classpath ../lib/taxi.jar;. XMLToGRPTest (under Windows)
    java -classpath ../lib/taxi.jar:. XMLToGRPTest (under other OS)

You get the following output :

    -- Something wrong with the parameters --
    Parameter 'xsl' is missing.

In the method getParameters(), we got an Exception because, so far, the object XMLToGRPParameters is created with an empty array. We intercepted this Exception, showed its message, and left the application.

2.2. Second step

We will now complete the previous example by adding parameters to transform an XML document shipped with TAXI : editor/XML/XML/

2.2.1. Code

Modify editor/test/ (changes are indicated in bold) :


    public class XMLToGRPTest {
       * This method prepares the parameters needed by the process of transformation. If any
       * error happens, we display an error message and leave the application.
       * @return The list of parameters as an XMLToGRPParameters object.
      public static XMLToGRPParameters getParameters() {
        XMLToGRPParameters parameters = null;

        try {
          // The array containing the parameters
          String[] args = new String[6];

          // XML document to transform
          args[0] = Parameters.PARAMETER_SIGN + Parameters.XML_IN;  // -xml_in
          args[1] = "../XML/XML/";

          // XSLT stylesheet to use
          args[2] = Parameters.PARAMETER_SIGN + Parameters.XSL;     // -xsl
          args[3] = "../XML/XML/CDtoGRP.xsl";

          // GRP DTD
          args[4] = Parameters.PARAMETER_SIGN + Parameters.GRP_DTD; // -grp_dtd
          args[5] = "../grp.dtd";

          parameters = new XMLToGRPParameters(args);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          // We report any error that might happen with the parameters and leave the application
          System.err.println("-- Something wrong with the parameters --");

        return parameters;

       * Main method.
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
          // Prepares the list of parameters
          XMLToGRPParameters parameters = getParameters();

          // Creates the Transformer and calls the process() method that operates the process
          // of transformation
          new TransformerXMLToGRP(parameters).process();
        } catch (Exception e) {
          // We report any error that might happen during the process of transformation
          System.err.println("-- Something wrong happened during the transformation --");

Open a console, go to directory editor/test (if not already done) and compile with the following command :

    javac -classpath ../lib/taxi.jar

2.2.2. Explaining the code

We imported a new class, transformer.util.Parameters, since we will use predefined constants of this class in method getParameters().

Array args is now created in order to contain 6 String.

Parameters are stored in args like this :

We used predefined constants to build the name of the parameters. You could have used the litteral string written in comment on the same line to produce an equivalent effect.

The path of our 3 parameters is given as relative. For parameters -xml_in and -xsl, path is relative to where the application will be launched ( editor/test). For parameter -grp_dtd, path is given relative to the XML document to transform (editor/XML/XML/

As we used relative paths, the location from where the application is launched is very important. If we had used absolute path instead, the application could have been launched from anywhere.

2.2.3. Running the code

Run the example with this command (depending on the OS you run it, you will not use the same classpath separator) :

    java -classpath ../lib/taxi.jar;. XMLToGRPTest (under Windows)
    java -classpath ../lib/taxi.jar:. XMLToGRPTest (under other OS)

You get the following output :

    Applying XSL transformations to file ../XML/XML/
    Generating GRP file ../XML/XML/

Document editor/XML/XML/ has been generated and looks like this :

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <!DOCTYPE grp SYSTEM "../grp.dtd">
    <grp xmlns:java="">

3. Example 2

In this example, based on example 1, we will use an XML parameter document and override some values.

3.1. Code

Modify editor/test/ (changes are indicated in bold) :


    public class XMLToGRPTest {
       * This method prepares the parameters needed by the process of transformation. If any
       * error happens, we display an error message and leave the application.
       * @return The list of parameters as an XMLToGRPParameters object.
      public static XMLToGRPParameters getParameters() {
        XMLToGRPParameters parameters = null;

        try {
          // The array containing the parameters
          String[] args = new String[4];

          // XML document to transform
          args[0] = Parameters.PARAMETER_SIGN + Parameters.XML_IN;  // -xml_in
          args[1] = "../XML/XML/";

          // XSLT stylesheet to use
          args[2] = Parameters.PARAMETER_SIGN + Parameters.XSL;     // -xsl
          args[3] = "../XML/XML/CDtoGRP.xsl";

          // GRP DTD
          args[4] = Parameters.PARAMETER_SIGN + Parameters.GRP_DTD; // -grp_dtd
          args[5] = "../grp.dtd";

          // XML parameter document
          args[0] = Parameters.PARAMETER_SIGN + Parameters.XML;            // -xml
          args[1] = "../XML/XML/parametersCD.xml";

          // Output GRP DTD
          args[2] = Parameters.PARAMETER_SIGN + Parameters.GRP_DTD_OUTPUT; // -grp_dtdoutput
          args[3] = "relative";

          parameters = new XMLToGRPParameters(args);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          // We report any error that might happen with the parameters and leave the application
          System.err.println("-- Something wrong with the parameters --");

        return parameters;

       * Main method.
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
          // Prepares the list of parameters
          XMLToGRPParameters parameters = getParameters();

          // Creates the Transformer and calls the process() method that operates the process
          // of transformation
          new TransformerXMLToGRP(parameters).process();
        } catch (Exception e) {
          // We report any error that might happen during the process of transformation
          System.err.println("-- Something wrong happened during the transformation --");

Open a console, go to directory editor/test (if not already done) and compile with the following command :

    javac -classpath ../lib/taxi.jar

3.2. Explaining the code

In method getParameters(), we specified the use of an XML parameter document which is editor/XML/XML/parametersCD.xml

We overrided the value contained in the XML parameter document for parameter grp_dtdoutput : it will be relative.

3.3. Running the code

Save the following code under editor/XML/XML/parametersCD.xml (absolute paths may be different on your machine, please adapt the code) :

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <!DOCTYPE parameters SYSTEM "../parameters.dtd">
      <grp_dtd output="absolute">D:/editor/XML/grp.dtd</grp_dtd>

Run the example with this command (depending on the OS you run it, you will not use the same classpath separator) :

    java -classpath ../lib/taxi.jar;. XMLToGRPTest (under Windows)
    java -classpath ../lib/taxi.jar:. XMLToGRPTest (under other OS)

You get the following output :

    Applying XSL transformations to file D:/editor/XML/XML/
    Generating GRP file D:/editor/XML/XML/

Document editor/XML/XML/ has been generated and looks like this :

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <!DOCTYPE grp SYSTEM "../grp.dtd">
    <grp xmlns:java="">

You can see that the GRP DTD is indicated as relative in the intermediary document while it was asked to be absolute in the XML parameter document.

4. List of parameters

The list of parameters you can use to construct the array args is exactly the same than the one you are allowed to use when transforming from a console :

Attribute name Description Allowed values Default value Mandatory
-grp_dtd Specifies the GRP DTD (file name or URL). If a file, relative or absolute path, or a URL to GRP DTD. - No
-grp_dtdoutput In the case the GRP Doctype is a file, specifies whether, inside the GRP document, path to GRP DTD is absolute or relative. absolute or relative. absolute No
-grp_dtdpublicID In the case the GRP Doctype is a URL, specifies the public ID of the Doctype. Any possible string for a public ID. - No
-grp_schema Specifies the GRP Schema (file name or URL). If you don't specify a value for this parameter, and if you don't use the parameter -grp_dtd, it will be assumed that the file grp.xsd is present in the directory containing the XML document you intend to transform. If a file, relative or absolute path, or a URL to GRP Schema. - No
-grp_schemanamespace Specifies the GRP Schema namespace. It must be the same than the namespace specified by the Schema you use. Any valid value for a namespace. - No
-grp_schemaoutput In the case the GRP Schema is a file, specifies whether, inside the GRP document, path to GRP Schema is absolute or relative. absolute or relative. absolute No
-grp_schemaxsi Specifies the GRP document namespace. Generally Any valid value for a namespace. No
-xml Specifies the XML document containing all the parameters. Relative or absolute path to the XML document. - Yes if -xml_in and -xsl not used
-xml_in Specifies the XML document to transform. Relative or absolute path to any XML document. - Yes if -xml not used
-xsl Specifies the XSLT stylesheet that contains the rules of transformation to get the GRP document. Relative or absolute path to any XSLT stylesheet. - Yes if -xml not used

Here is the list of constants defined by class transformer.util.Parameters that you can use to build the name of the parameters for transforming XML to GRP :

Constant name Constant value Description
GRP_DTD grp_dtd DTD of GRP document.
GRP_DTD_OUTPUT grp_dtdoutput Output type of GRP DTD (relative or absolute).
GRP_DTD_PUBLIC_ID grp_dtdpublicID Public ID of GRP DTD.
GRP_SCHEMA grp_schema Schema of GRP document.
GRP_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE grp_schemanamespace GRP Schema namespace. Must be the same than the namespace specified by the Schema you use.
GRP_SCHEMA_OUTPUT grp_schemaoutput Output type of GRP Schema (relative or absolute).
GRP_SCHEMA_XSI grp_schemaxsi GRP document namespace. Generally
PARAMETER_SIGN - Minus sign placed in front of every parameter name.
XML xml XML document parameter.
XML_IN xml_in XML document to transform.
XSL xsl XSLT stylesheet to use for applying transformation.